Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Weekly Mixtape: 10-9-13 - Throwin Rocks & Dinner Rolls

It's been way too long since I posted a weekly mixtape. I apologize. I seem to do that every time I post one of these. But now that I have a ridiculous amount of free time, I'll be posting a lot more in general.

This weeks mix is a little different. Its a mix of Darkwave, Industrial, and I guess you could say Gothic "dark" Rock. Some of the bands are cheesy as hell looking. But I dig their music anyway. Look at KISS, GWAR or any other band that dresses up or has a certain visual aesthetic. And no...I don't put KISS and GWAR in the same category...I was just using them as examples of bands that have a very particular visual style.

This weeks list is probably not for everyone. Probably not even most of you. But I like to listen to a lot of different styles of music. And sometimes a list scratches a very particular itch.

Without further ado, this weeks mixtape: Whut the Goth?:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Why the Xbox One isn't Hitler...

For those of you living under a rock, Microsoft has been getting a lot of flack and hate this last week from the internet overall, due to honestly....a complete lack of communication and when communication does happen to occur, it's more about what the Xbox One can't do, then what it can and a general lack of customer-friendly vibes. After doing some research online, I've come to my own conclusions about the Xbox One and it's offerings. I hope you'll give the full article a read before you put the rage glasses back on.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Let's Play Mojang's new TCG Scrolls!

Hello fellow nerds! Rottingblue here,

Ever heard of Scrolls? No, not the Elder Scrolls silly, SCROLLS! It's the newest game to come out of indie producer Mojang. You know, the guys that made that one game with the blocks and creepers? The game is fantastically good, is only in BETA so you know it's going to have tons of amazing updates in the future, and is gonna keep me occupied for a very long time. Check out my Let's Play in the link below.

Stay classy.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Mixtape - 6/3/13 - PUMP YOU UP!

Missed the last couple weeks posting a Monday Mixtape. Many apologies. Life getting in the way yet again.

Anyway...without further ado. Here is the PUMP *CLAP* YOU UP!, mix. This week's mix is all metal with a bit of industrial. So if you're not a fan of either genre, sorry. This is more to help me get through the week. If you dig it, sweet. If not...check back next week for a different mix that my be more to your liking.

WTF Game of Thrones....WTF??!?!

Wow. That was a particularly rough episode. I won't spoil anything...but damn.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

I'm making some Gears armor. Woooo!

Ever since I was a little kid, I've always enjoyed dressing up at Halloween and at any other time I could get away with it. Superman, Batman, the Ghostbusters, Boba Fett....Lion-O, you name it....I wanted to dress up as it for Halloween. My grandfather made it worse because he and a few of his old buddies used to do special fx makeup and made their own wild-western type movies. So he was really the inspiration for me to do film and prop-related work. He would help me do any kind of special makeup stuff or even help me build guns or other props.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Review: Star Trek: Into Darkness

I knew going into Star Trek: Into Darkness that I was going to be hyper critical about the film. I am a life long Star Trek fan, and have been watching the series for about 25 years. I know pretty much every episode of every series, and every film, back to front.

I know that in this film series, an alternate reality from the original franchise is represented. This was pretty much the entire point in the last film. It was written in such a way to both establish a brand new continuity, and maintain the integrity of the original franchise. Even so, there are certain concessions that have to be made in order to maintain the spirit of Star Trek.