Monday, April 29, 2013

Din's Curse: Demon War Game Review

Hello Nerdgazm! Rottingblue here. 

I've uploaded a short review video to YouTube all about why YOU should be playing Din's Curse. 

It's an amazing game that people seem to have forgotten about only three short years. The graphics are dated, but the gameplay is rock solid. 

If you enjoy action RPG's like Diablo, or Torchlight, there's no reason you won't immediately fall in love with this underrated gem. It even has unlimited player Co-op! You read that correctly: Co-op dungeon delving goodness for you and every single one of your friends; at once! Check it out here:

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday Livestream on Twitch.TV

Check out the Saturday Game Livestream on Twitch.TV.

We'll be live in about 5 minutes.

Earthbound: Cult Classic

There are cult franchises in pretty much every medium of entertainment. Star Trek, Sailor Moon, KISS, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Metroid, and many more permeate our minds. These are franchises that aren't necessarily the most popular in the world, but the fans who follow them, do so with an almost religious, or cult like(see how that works) mentality.

Among video games, few franchises fit this idea more than the Mother/Earthbound series. In North America, there has only been one release, Mother 2, known as Earthbound in the US. It is one of the biggest cult phenomena in gaming.

Friday, April 26, 2013

It's Friday!

 And I don't have a damn thing to post really. I've been going hard all week trying to come up with relevant content that will keep people coming back for more. Not an easy task. Especially for someone who works a nine to five job five days of the week, have hobbies and projects to work on, friends to hang with, Berserk manga chapters to read, artwork to make (yes I draw to), and is consistently ridiculously low on cash.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I like turtles....

Why, Activision? Why?

Well better question would be..Nickelodeon....why? Because these turtles are horrendous looking. The gameplay doesn't look bad, hell the game itself looks decent. But the art direction for the turtles just doesn't sit well with me.

Whose up for some Heaven Shall Burn?

Oooo me! Pick me! Pick meeeee!

New Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon gameplay hits the scene today.

This game looks ridiculous, and that's why I love it. It's not an expansion for Far Cry 3, it's a stand-alone title. BOSH!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nintendo Financal 2012, Plus New NOA CEO

Nintendo has just released their financial data for 2012. After a particularly hard year, the company has returned to profit. After operating at a deficit of $530 million in 2011, Nintendo has posted a profit of a comparatively meager $71 million.

Part of their financial data also included life-to-date sales of all of their current market platforms. See the sales data after the break.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Movie Trailer Tuesday!

It's the first evah Movie Trailer Tuesday! Basically a collection of cool or interesting movie trailers I've seen on the internet from the past few days.

So let's get it going!

Pizza Time!

What kind of improvements can current generation game systems make? Tighter controls? Better graphics? More games? Better online interactions? Being able to order a pizza?

Wait, what? What's pizza got to do with video games? Well, it's absolutely a popular food selection for gamers. This is more or less true, especially with gamers who spend a lot of time playing. Ordering a pizza is easy, right? You used to have to just give them a call. You can now do it from your PC using your web browser, or your smart phone using apps. Well now, you can also use the inline app on your Xbox 360...

Dragon's Crown Officially has an Official Release Date.

Dragon's Crown finally has an official release date here in the U.S.! It's set to rock America on August 6th for both the PS3 for $50 and the PS Vita for $40. Sadly the cross play feature will not work between the PS3 and the Vita. Though you'll be able to transfer save date between the two.

Who else is looking forward to it?

Gears of War Judgment Call to Arms map pack released today!

 Good news for all you gearheads out there that for some reason are still playing Gears of War Judgment. Or as I like to call it, Diet Gears of War Lite Zero.

Official trailer for Thor The Dark World

Here's the first official trailer for Thor: The Dark World. Coming in 2013 from Marvel Studios.

Thor is one of my favorite Marvel Studio films so far.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Hazards of Next Generation Development

 Sony has just recently announced the PlayStation4. Counting Nintendo's Wii U, it will be the second eighth generation game console. Sony is following the same business structure that they have since they entered the market. They're using the idea that sharper graphics, prettier pictures, and bigger games make the system.

New Man of Steel Trailer!

I know this has been up for a couple of days, but I haven't really seen it until today and thought I needed to share.

I'm pretty psyched for this movie.

Mix-Tape Monday - 4/22/13

A Word from the Big Cheese

Firstly, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to check out the site. There's not a lot of content up, but we're live now and content will be making it's way onto the site as the week progresses. Right now there are a few reviews, some weekly features that we are working on, and some original video content that's being tweaked and made ready for it's debut on the site. I'm pretty excited about it all.

My goal for Nerdgazm is simple. Provide news, articles and media about the things I love, and the things our contributing writers and artists love. We're all nerds here, and we want to celebrate the things we all love. From video games to bad japanese gore-horror flicks to comic books to new music releases. We're going to cover a lot of content down the road.

Like anything else, it's going to take a little time to build up a reputation and get this going. But I'm hopeful that word will spread and that we'll have something awesome and unique here at Nerdgazm.

We don't make money off of the site. No companies pay us to promote their products or services. So when we name or recommend something, you know it's real people promoting something because we genuinely like it. Not because some company paid us to.

We write and produce the content on Nerdgazm because it's what we want to do, and we enjoy it. And we hope that you will enjoy it and keep coming back to check us out and take part in our nerd ways with us.

Thanks again for checking us out, and I hope that as we create new content, you'll keep coming back for more.


- The Drunken Viking

Get Lucky, my review of the new Daft Punk single

First off, I'm a huge Daft Punk fan. So this may get a little messy as I post about how friggin awesome this new track is. So watch out for those wet spots. Sorry.

Titty Pixels

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