Friday, April 26, 2013

It's Friday!

 And I don't have a damn thing to post really. I've been going hard all week trying to come up with relevant content that will keep people coming back for more. Not an easy task. Especially for someone who works a nine to five job five days of the week, have hobbies and projects to work on, friends to hang with, Berserk manga chapters to read, artwork to make (yes I draw to), and is consistently ridiculously low on cash.

Then it came to me. Nerdgazm is a blog about nerd or "pulp" culture. There are a bazillion websites out there that do what I'm trying to do, and are already established and successful. So I have to attack this in a different way. I have to do something different. Because I can't compete with the likes of IGN, Gawker media or any of the other established sites that have a fully paid staff that's job is to do the same thing I'm trying to do in my spare time. So I'm not going to try. But I will try damn hard to make cool and fun content that at least I can be proud of. Whether that's an article, a piece of artwork, the process of how that artwork came to be or how a video gets made, that's what I want to share.

I still want to produce what I would consider valuable content that people will be able to read, watch, listen to and most importantly, enjoy. But to believe that I can do this, and expect the other contributors (who all also work and have their own lives) to do this, with no pay, while also trying to manage a satisfying existence is probably way too much.

Perhaps my vision for Nerdgazm is too large or grandiose. That's not a bad thing. Unless you don't have the ability to meet that vision, which right now I do not.

My goal for Nerdgazm is to produce fun and interesting content for you good folks out there in netland to take in and enjoy. Hopefully you will also want to come back for more.

This is something that's going to take time to develop. Nerdgazm is a new born baby. So it's gotta develop it's teeth, take its first step. Take its first shit.

Maybe Nerdgazm shouldn't be just a current news story website about nerd stuff. Maybe it should be about nerds and what nerds love to do. Maybe its about what we create for ourselves or for others. Maybe it should be about what we love and why we love it. What topics are going on in the industry that we think are important and what we want out of the entertainment industry.

Content created by people who are passionate about their hobbies. Live streams of gaming sessions, video tutorials on how to use photoshop or podcasts on why that movie  we watched last night sucked complete ass.

It's impossible to generate enough original content to fill up every day of the week. So we aren't going to. But we're going to post about things we love as we find them, the things we do as we do them, the things we create and how we create them.

I'm excited even more now of the possibilities than I was when I posted the first article here on Nerdgazm. It's going to be a fun ride. I hope you will join us.

Have a great weekend. Go out there and live.

- Drunken Viking

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