Thursday, May 16, 2013

Feeling Verklempt?

It's Thursday night and I don't have a whole lot going on. So I'm turning my gaze into the future! The weekend is almost here! For myself at least, that means a reprieve from the salt mines and some much needed relaxation, gaming and hang-time with some good friends.

I would watch Hannibal. But a bunch of uptight soccer moms got huffy because the show was too graphic for their little crotch spawn, and got it cancelled. Put your goddamn kids to bed then. They don't need to up past 8 o'clock anyways. And if you can't handle some blood, change the damn channel. Hannibal was a great series. And it's getting canned. Thanks network television. Fuck you NBC. And fuck you soccer moms.

Anyway. Weekend plans. Oh yeah.

Gonna be hitting up the local flea markets and see if I can maybe snag some decent vinyls or maybe a Super Nintendo gem. May even get a leather cut so I can start sewing some patches on it. Get all pimped up and whatnot. 

Gonna be doing some gaming. I've got a huge back-log that I need to start sifting through. Figure out what I'm actually gonna play and maybe start thinning the collection down. Trade games with people or sell them. Who knows. Definitely gonna play some Arkham Asylum on the Xbox. I started playing through it once and got distracted by something else. So gotta jump back into it and start over since I have the GOTY edition instead of the original, which is what I started playing it on.

If you're a Borderlands 2 fan, definitely pick up the new character Krieg. He's fun to play as, especially if you're like me and enjoy jumping face-first into the shit.

In other weekly news....the new Daft Punk album Random Access Memories was leaked online. I, of course, gave it a full listen about 8-10 times. And I will say that in all honesty...I am really disappointed with the album. It's not terrible, but it's not what Daft Punk is known for. Imagine an artsy, disco/experimental album with hints of electric, but slow. Just not what I was hoping for. In my opinion, there are maybe 4-5 decent tracks out of the 13 total.

This week I also started a gluten-free diet to see if I infact have a gluten allergy. I'm saddened to report that I do have an allergy to it, and to top it off I think it's boosting my lactose intolerance. So more bread, candy, cereal, cake, ice cream, reese's cups....damn.

So in closing. Fuck you soccer moms, and fuck you allergies.

- D. Viking

I DID watch Hannibal. Thankfully it's going to finish out this season, it's just not getting picked up for a second season. So....hopefully at least they can try to wrap up the story in another episode or two.

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