Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Mixtape - 6/3/13 - PUMP YOU UP!

Missed the last couple weeks posting a Monday Mixtape. Many apologies. Life getting in the way yet again.

Anyway...without further ado. Here is the PUMP *CLAP* YOU UP!, mix. This week's mix is all metal with a bit of industrial. So if you're not a fan of either genre, sorry. This is more to help me get through the week. If you dig it, sweet. If not...check back next week for a different mix that my be more to your liking.

*note - there is no spotify link this week because half of the songs are not available on that particular service. Booooooooo.
1.) Amon Amarth - Live Without Regrets

2.) Dragonforce - Through the Fire and the Flames

3.) Powerman 5000 - Transform

4.) Heaven Shall Burn - Combat

5.) Septic Flesh - Rising

6.) Mastodon - Divinations

7.) Rammstein - Ich Tu Dir Weh (I hurt you)

8.) Meshugguh - Bleed

9.) Samael - Slavocracy

10.) Amon Amarth - Runes to My Memory

- D. Viking

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