Monday, April 22, 2013

A Word from the Big Cheese

Firstly, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to check out the site. There's not a lot of content up, but we're live now and content will be making it's way onto the site as the week progresses. Right now there are a few reviews, some weekly features that we are working on, and some original video content that's being tweaked and made ready for it's debut on the site. I'm pretty excited about it all.

My goal for Nerdgazm is simple. Provide news, articles and media about the things I love, and the things our contributing writers and artists love. We're all nerds here, and we want to celebrate the things we all love. From video games to bad japanese gore-horror flicks to comic books to new music releases. We're going to cover a lot of content down the road.

Like anything else, it's going to take a little time to build up a reputation and get this going. But I'm hopeful that word will spread and that we'll have something awesome and unique here at Nerdgazm.

We don't make money off of the site. No companies pay us to promote their products or services. So when we name or recommend something, you know it's real people promoting something because we genuinely like it. Not because some company paid us to.

We write and produce the content on Nerdgazm because it's what we want to do, and we enjoy it. And we hope that you will enjoy it and keep coming back to check us out and take part in our nerd ways with us.

Thanks again for checking us out, and I hope that as we create new content, you'll keep coming back for more.


- The Drunken Viking

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