Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nintendo Financal 2012, Plus New NOA CEO

Nintendo has just released their financial data for 2012. After a particularly hard year, the company has returned to profit. After operating at a deficit of $530 million in 2011, Nintendo has posted a profit of a comparatively meager $71 million.

Part of their financial data also included life-to-date sales of all of their current market platforms. See the sales data after the break.

Wii- 99.84 million
Nintendo DS- 153.87 million
Wii U- 3.45 million(of a projected 5.5 million)
Nintendo 3DS- 31.09 million

Also, in a rather unusual set of circumstances, Nintendo has announced that they are appointing a new CEO for Nintendo of America. The new person that the President/COO, Reggie Fils-Aime is going to have to answer to is... Satoru Iwata.

That's right, the CEO of Nintendo Co. Ltd., Nintendo's parent company located in Kyoto, is pulling double duty as the CEO of Nintendo of America. According to the company, this will allow the company to more easily share a global business strategy.

What this says to me, is that Iwata is(rightfully) unhappy with the current business practices of Nintendo of America, and he hopes to get his hands dirty in an attempt to make a comeback from the last two years of business. It seems to me that the recent announcement of Earthbound on Wii U's Virtual Console is among the first steps in repairing customer relations for Nintendo of America. It was very apparent that Iwata, himself, wanted to be the person to make the announcement in last week's Nintendo Direct.

The current CEO of Nintendo of America will be facing a promotion. Tatsumi Kimishimi will be promoted to General Manager of Nintendo Co. Ltd., pending shareholder approval.


  1. Good move, because Fils-Aime is so out of touch it's ridiculous. Nintendo of America has also done an absolute shit job explaining to people what the WiiU is and what it's about. All those casual people that fell for buying a Wii don't read blogs or news sites on the internet for gaming news. So when they see the WiiU in a store, all they see is an attachment, or a slight step up from the Wii, or they have no idea what it is at all and shuffle away.

  2. Iwata has been in the game, so to speak, for over thirty years. I think that he's a great choice to run NOA. I only hope that his pulling double duty doesn't negatively impact the rest of the company.
