Thursday, April 25, 2013

I like turtles....

Why, Activision? Why?

Well better question would be..Nickelodeon....why? Because these turtles are horrendous looking. The gameplay doesn't look bad, hell the game itself looks decent. But the art direction for the turtles just doesn't sit well with me.

I love the hell out of the new Nickelodeon TMNT show. It hits all the right notes to be a good Ninja Turtles show.

They look a little too realistic. Well about as realistic as a giant mutant ninja turtle can look. Just looking. Michelangelo doesn't even have any dialogue in this video...which worries me. Are they using the voice actors from the computer animated series? Or is Activision getting a bunch of bro-dog-Mcdude-bros to fill in the rolls for our pizza lovin pals.

Not looking good. Also, Michelangelo here reminds me too much of Jar Jar Binks. *shudder*


  1. Yeah I'm gonna be honest, that turtle looks... unnatural. No me gusta

  2. I'm pretty sure that they said that it took place in the same universe as the Nick show. It would stand to reason that they would use the same voices as in the show. Why they elected to use this bizarre art style is beyond me. The gameplay does look cool, though.
