Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Movie Trailer Tuesday!

It's the first evah Movie Trailer Tuesday! Basically a collection of cool or interesting movie trailers I've seen on the internet from the past few days.

So let's get it going!

First one looks interesting. It is The Colony, starring Lawrence Fishburne and Hicks from Aliens.
Let's take a peek.

Next up is the latest trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness. Staring all those people from the first film, and BBC's Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch as the villian. Looks promising.

Prepare for some harsh language and over the top violence. Kick-Ass 2. And yes....that's Jim Carey as Colonel Stars & Stripes.

Next is Elysium, directed by Neill "I almost made the Halo movie" Blomkamp and starring MATT DAAAAMOOOOOOOON!

Another body in the already high pile of zombie flicks. Cockneys vs. Zombies. Not making this up.

The new Wolverine flick starring Hugh Jackman. I like him as Wolverine, but the writing and direction for the Origins movie was just damn awful. Hopefully this one will be better.

Now we have The Conjuring, which is supposedly based on actual events. It's more of a period horror movie. Looks good though.

So Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds are in a Men In Black style movie called....wait for it....R.I.P.D.
Check it out. Looks like it may be pretty funny because Bridges just runs with it.

And lastly...GIANT ROBOTSUUUU!!!!! Pacific Rim is gonna be pure badassery, and GladOS.

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